Archive for the ‘Personal’ Category

Fritzbox 7270 v3, from German to English annex A

Whoops I bought the German version of the device, so it seems I have the 7270 v3 version.


What I’ve done:

You need to get your hand on : “fritz_as_avme_newer” and “fritz_as_annex_a_kernel_args_newer” from “telefonicus” @

The scripts are made to upload as “firmware” but I’ve logged in with telnet to the fritzbox and executed the commands myself. I wanted to see what was happening.

I’m not going to give any kind of support. But these are the 2 scripts:


#! /bin/sh
# get Kernelversion for further handling (update 2.4<->2.6)
case `uname -r` in
echo “install: have Kernel 2.4”;
echo “install: have Kernel 2.6”;
# Set Box to AVME
if [ “${kversion}” = 24 ] ; then
echo “firmware_version avme” > /proc/avalanche/env
echo “firmware_version avme” > /proc/sys/urlader/environment

## Bitte keine “rote Meldung”
major=$(grep tffs /proc/devices)
rm -f /var/flash/fw_attrib
mknod /var/flash/fw_attrib c $tffs_major 87
echo -n “” > /var/flash/fw_attrib
rm -f /var/flash/fw_attrib

## Fehler: Kein Fehler
exit 0


#! /bin/sh
# get Kernelversion for further handling (update 2.4<->2.6)
case `uname -r` in
echo “install: have Kernel 2.4”;
echo “install: have Kernel 2.6”;
# Set Box to Annex A
if [ “${kversion}” = 24 ] ; then
echo “kernel_args annex=A” > /proc/avalanche/env
echo “kernel_args annex=A” > /proc/sys/urlader/environment

## Bitte keine “rote Meldung”
major=$(grep tffs /proc/devices)
rm -f /var/flash/fw_attrib
mknod /var/flash/fw_attrib c $tffs_major 87
echo -n “” > /var/flash/fw_attrib
rm -f /var/flash/fw_attrib

## Fehler: Kein Fehler
exit 0


Then I’ve followed the recovery procedure of the international version. you’ll need FRITZ.Box_Fon_WLAN_7270_v3.en-de-es-it-fr.05.06.recover-image from





If you are a geek like me the odds are good that you own more than just one PC. When operating on all of them a clutter of mice and keyboards all over the desk might be a reality for you. A college advised me Synergy, it shares one mouse and keyboard over multiple computers. Just watch the video to be impressed (not my setup!).

Synergy is an open source application.Click here to get it. Configuration is not hard, but’s not super duper mac user friendly.

One language to rule them all?

Most of my software development is currently done on the .Net framework, with C# as programming language. I’m looking forward to start working with F#. While I’m doing most of my coding in C#, I’m also coding AS3 (ActionScript 3) and javascript on the side.

Meanwhile I’d like to take a week off and start working in plain old MASM again :). Do some hard time with C++ and the DDK to make some annoying filter drivers to tease colleague’s @ work, but all of that will probably won’t happen since I’m working so much lately. For example I’ve arrived at 07:00 sharp at the .. well office and left 18:35, with a small lunch break of only 15 minutes.

Well to get to the point,.. looking for some nice alternative to Flex (Eclipse with Adobe modifications) that will cost me $0.00 I came across a nice project that aims to be a single language to be used as an intermediary language for all the others. It is called haXe. It will convert / compile your code to the desired language, eg. haXe to JavaScript.

Will look at it soon!

Hello World

Hi there and welcome to my first post.

I’ve set certain content goals for my personal blog, here they are:

  • History of good pieces of code.
  • A place where I’m able to vent some thoughts.
  • Idea’s.
  • Important events.

A quick intro into me:

I’m a developer, skilled in some programming languages.

I like to think of myself as a generalist with deep knowledge, not a specialist.

Like to see lots of new or new old things, curious nature but bored quickly.

Do I’ve followed normal schooling, I’m a self educated man… actually self educating.

I don’t like beta’s very much, unless they do not contaminate my PC.

I don’t like self updating software,.. Annoying Attention Consuming Nag Screens.