MSBuild XslTransformation Xslt Task example
Goal: Change the connection string of my application while running CodedUI tests. So my dev database is left alone.
Here I’ll post a simple “Hello World” setup to alter a xml to output something else. The xml and xslt example has been taken from w3schools.
When you download this file. It will contain a cmd. It loads up environment variables for msbuild and executes the build.proj.
The build.proj looks like this :
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns=""> <!-- Xml & Xslt Examples have been taken from --> <Target Name="Build"> <XslTransformation XslInputPath="transform.xslt" XmlInputPaths="source.xml" OutputPaths="out.html" /> </Target> </Project>
The output is a html page, just as the w3schools demo.
Hope this is a good starting example for your needs.