Backup Database Server2Go while developing.
When you are developing with the Server2Go stack, you might want to automatically backup your database periodicly.
I propose a simple script that backups your database each time when you start up your Self configuring database.
@echo off rem Add date to filename for /f "tokens=2" %%i in ('date /t') do set DATE_DOWNL=%%i for /f "tokens=1,2 delims=:" %%i in ('time /t') do set DATE_DOWNL=%DATE_DOWNL%_%%i%%j echo dumping database to MySql_%DATE_DOWNL%.sql .\server\mysql\bin\mysqldump --port=7188 -u root --all-databases >.\MySql_%DATE_DOWNL%.sql
Create a batch file with a name such as “backup.cmd” and place it in the same location where “server2go.exe” is located.
You will need to place it in your pms_config.ini :
[Startup] ;--- You can add additional EXE files that will be started in the startup process of Server2Go ;--- At the moment the EXE files will be started invisible and right AFTER the webserver ;--- and MySQL-Start Startup1=backup.cmd Startup2= Startup3=
So every time you start Server2Go a backup will be made. Also as long Server2Go is running you can execute the batch file whenever you want to make an additional extra backup.
Please +1 When you are using it!