About WhiteSpace and Antlr
Are you unsure if you need to include the space in your rules?
Most grammars will have this LEXER rule in their grammar:
WS : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ) {$channel=HIDDEN;} ;
Now you’ll like a rule that needs to match “a sample string” (quotes included)? How will Antlr respond to the space?
You want to parse a command line like parameter alike string such as “operation /option1 /option2” (quotes not included).
grammar test20091014; //thanks to AntlrWorks 1.3 for it's useful grammar wizard. prog : STRING+ OPTION*; OPTION : '/' STRING; STRING : '"' ( ESC_SEQ| ~('\\'|'"') )* '"' | ID ; fragment ID : ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'_') ('a'..'z'|'A'..'Z'|'0'..'9'|'_')* ; WS : ( ' ' | '\t' | '\r' | '\n' ) {$channel=HIDDEN;} ; fragment HEX_DIGIT : ('0'..'9'|'a'..'f'|'A'..'F') ; fragment ESC_SEQ : '\\' ('b'|'t'|'n'|'f'|'r'|'\"'|'\''|'\\') | UNICODE_ESC | OCTAL_ESC ; fragment OCTAL_ESC : '\\' ('0'..'3') ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7') | '\\' ('0'..'7') ('0'..'7') | '\\' ('0'..'7') ; fragment UNICODE_ESC : '\\' 'u' HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT HEX_DIGIT ;
Parse Tree:
No explicit need to include the WS in your lexer rule. “WS” will result in a token and splits input such as “a b c d” (quote not include.